The June 22nd session focused on the heart chakra on the right side. The energy that came up here related to all the times we say yes when we want to say no. We often do this out of a feeling of obligation. This was an all-female group, and we had a discussion about societal expectations on women to sacrifice our needs for others. This session involved quite a lot of repatterning of our habits and feelings about societal pressures, alongside releasing all the trapped emotions from our past so that we are better able to set boundaries in the future.
We also encountered heart walls in a number of people in the session. Heart walls are constructs we place on ourselves when we need them to protect ourselves; when we have been hurt and can't escape continuing to be hurt. We did a meditation on these heart walls and, for those who felt the walls no longer served them, they either released them or put them aside for the time being. We then filled the space those walls took up with love and light from the universe.
I have heard from two of the participants after this session who have said they feel like they are able to be more open-hearted with those they care for and trust. An amazing result!